Here you’ll find 50 restorative recipes for loaded fries, bacon burgers, hydrating ramen, spicy tacos, mini pizzas and buffalo wings. Because, just like death and...
Here you’ll find 50 restorative recipes for loaded fries, bacon burgers, hydrating ramen, spicy tacos, mini pizzas and buffalo wings. Because, just like death and...
The ultimate guide to going to the toilet at work, offering advice on all sorts of common problems, such as: what to do when the...
Every hero needs a villain. But not all villains are dangerous some are incompetent, comical, or just weird. In his follow-up to The League of...
But... You're a Horse, is a collection of pranks, anecdotes and gags that have nothing whatsoever to do with the cover of the book containing...
May the verse be with you! Inspired by one of the greatest creative minds in the English language - and William Shakespeare - here is...
Discover how some of the silver screen's most iconic action heroes would really fare after being shot, stabbed, and dropped off buildings in this witty...
For over 30 years William James 'Bill' Murray has been a staple of the international movie screen. In 1980 he starred in Caddyshack, in 1984...
Utilizing easy-to-find and inexpensive materials, this handy resource teaches desktop warriors how to build a multitude of...
This is not your ordinary whiskey book, it's a collection of ingenious ideas and shortcuts to help you temper your whiskey to greatness in the...
Hypochondriacs have long had to satisfy their needs for self-diagnosis with medical reference materials written for the masses - no more! This revolutionary book is...